
Technology for producing of mannan oligosaccharide substitutes of antibiotics for livestock.

23 november 2018, 02:22
Промежуточный НИОКР, дополнительные исследования
Institute of Novosibirsk developed a technology to produce mechanochemical mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) of drugs that are environmentally friendly substitutes of synthetic antibiotics widely used in animal husbandry. Simplicity, reliability and lower price of the product could allow a manufacturer to potentially lead on the world market The Institute is looking for co-investors for license agreement and purchase of operating prototypes with complete technical documentation.
Mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) are widely used in animal husbandry in developed countries as a substitute for synthetic antibiotics. By selectively blocking the surface of pathogenic bacteria, mannan oligosaccharides prevent their attachment to the intestinal wall and the development of disease in animal. An easily accessible source of mannan oligosaccharide is a cell wall of yeast. In recent years, the institute has created a simple and easy to upscale equipment for production of mannan oligosaccharide. A running pilot production of MOS- drugs is launched that in the near future is planned to increase production and expand the range of products offered. Over the tests the processes of mechanochemical treatment of yeast biomass have been optimized, the biological tests conducted demonstrated the efficiency of obtained laboratory samples. To date, the development of technology is on the stage of initial introduction in production. The technology for producing drugs is characterized by the following characteristics: - Performance on the finished product - up to 100 kg / h; - MOS content in the finished product - up to 5%, which is comparable to global analogues; - Simplicity and reliability in the management and operation; - Relatively low cost of the "launch" of production. Over the past years, the relevance of this technology development was confirmed by grants from various levels of the federal target programs, awards and stipends.

Main advantages

The wide range of applications of MOS drugs including the livestock industry, pet food and health improvement of urban fauna make extensional potential market, and the current narrow range of these drugs availability explains the competitiveness of the development. Simplicity, reliability, environmental friendliness of the technology, the lower price of the product allow a potential manufacturer to potentially take on an extended market of products obtained from the technology. The conducted biological tests showed the product's effectiveness against pathogens of the gastrointestinal tract in animals. Successful works of technology perfection and expansion of MOS-preparations assortment (for cosmetics industry, pets feed, fish farming, etc.) are conducted.

Innovative aspects

Главное отличие предлагаемой технологии заключается в использовании механохимических подходов к переработке нетрадиционного сырья – дрожжевой биомассы. Ряд технологических аспектов и «ноу-хау» позволяет в одну стадию получать продукт, стабильный по качеству. При этом технология не требует применения органических растворителей, нагревания и экстракции, применяемых зарубежными конкурентами