
Technique for making pharmacological substance on the basis of combination of silver ions with methylene blue in order to fight HIV and cancer.

29 december 2018, 05:51
Макет, опытный образец
A company from Novosibirsk (Russia) has developed a technique for making a combination of silver ions with a medical dye methylene blue in order to create medications against HIV and some types of cancer. When this substance gets into an organism, a colorless leuco-forma of methylene blue is formed. In combination with silver ions this composition is able to destroy viruses and cancer cells. The company is interested in technical cooperation or license agreement.
At present there is a need for highly effective and safe drugs to fight HIV and cancer. The developed combination of ionic silver with methylene blue could be a basis for development of such medications. Each of the components of this bio-complex has an evident therapeutic activity. Medical dye methylene blue has been used during a long time as a medication to treat a wide range of diseases: malaria, cancer pathologies, Alzheimer's disease and others. The silver ions demonstrate antimicrobial and antiviral activity against a broad spectrum of pathogens without causing resistance or mutations. However, the main difficulty in using silver ions as pharmaceutical component is that once they get into the human body, they are quickly bound by the blood transport proteins, making large and hardly dissociable combinations. As a consequence, these large molecules are not able to penetrate through cell membranes in order to destroy infection agents within the cells. Silver ions and methylene blue provide a solid molecular compound, which does not dissolve in the body and does not give away the silver ions to transport globulins of blood. In combination with each other methylene blue and silver ions provide synergetic effect, reinforcing therapeutic activities of each other. Upon penetration of this substance into a body a colorless leuco-forma is formed. It delivers silver ions into infected or pathogenic cells and in combination with them suppresses HIV and cancer cells. The substance obtained by combination of silver ions with methylene blue is a water-soluble powder.

Innovative aspects

Новизна технологии заключается в способе соединения ионов серебра с аминокислотой L-цистин. Получаемое вещество характеризуется повышенной устойчивостью (достаточно долго не распадается в человеческом организме) и биодоступностью (легко проникает сквозь клеточные мембраны внутрь больных клеток и поражает инфекционные агенты). Получаемое средство не является токсичным для человека.