
Skimmed milk liquid probiotic product aimed at reducing the side effects of chemo- and radiation therapy and improving the quality of life of cancer patients.

05 december 2018, 12:33
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Company from Novosibirsk, Russia, having great experience in applying liquid probiotics in various diseases treatment, has conducted research that showed a significant improvement in the psychosomatic state of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The company is looking for a partner for clinical testing of liquid probiotics in cancer patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, for joint development and production of customized, more effective drugs based on them.
It is known that radiotherapy and chemotherapy are very destructive, toxic and act nonspecifically to all fast-growing cells, including blood cells, the immune cells of the gut and useful microorganisms. Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are sometimes so strong that many patients have to refuse further treatment because of severe intoxication, serious malfunctions of gastrointestinal tract and liver. Traditionally, the problem is solved by diet. In case of serious health deterioration of a patient, treatment is postponed until the normalization of condition. The company has developed technology of production of bio-product containing a high concentration of live active bifidus bacteria and lacto-propionic acid bacteria (probiotics), for the treatment of patients after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Bioproduct is a skimmed milk drink with a pleasant taste. Skimmed milk bioproducts based on liquid probiotics helps to cleanse the body of endotoxins generated during aggressive cancer therapy, ensure recovery of bowel and liver, and normalize immune responses. Thereby the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are smoothed, the patients feel better, full antitumor treatment continues without interruption. Long-term observations of the application of liquid probiotic in the rehabilitation of patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy, clearly demonstrate that the drug intake during and between courses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy significantly improves the psychosomatic condition of patients. The effectiveness of the company's products has been proven by numerous clinical trials in leading clinics of Russia. Similar specialized drugs reducing the side effects of cancer treatment and quality of life of cancer patients are not currently presented on the market. The company is interested in finding partners for the clinical testing of liquid probiotics in cancer patients, developing guidelines for the use of the drug in radiation and chemotherapy. The company is ready to begin the development of a modified more effective drug, designed specifically for the rehabilitation of patients with cancer.

Innovative aspects

Главная инновация заключается в применении жидких пробиотиков для снижения побочных эффектов химио- и лучевой терапии и для улучшения качества жизни онкологических больных. Традиционным недостатком продуктов с пробиотиками является небольшой срок годности. Инновационная технология производства жидких пробиотиков позволяет сохранять высокую активность живых полезных бактерий в течение всего срока годности продукта (2,5 – 3 месяца). Высокая концентрация бифидобактерий в жидких пробиотиках (109 КОЕ в 1 мл) обеспечивает более высокую клиническую эффективность (выше в 5-6 раз) в сравнении с обычными сухими пробиотиками. Живые микроорганизмы пробиотического препарата находятся в активном состоянии и начинают действовать непосредственно в момент приема. Для сравнения - бактериям из обычных сухих пробиотиков, как правило, требуется 8-10 часов для активизации. Удобство применения: жидкая форма препарата позволяет принимать его даже маленьким детям, начиная с 3 месяцев жизни. Предлагаемый препарат производятся на основе только натурального молока и специальных заквасок, без использования генно-модифицированных компонентов, загустителей, красителей, консервантов. Продукт имеет приятный вкус.