
Production technology of high-performance clustered silver substance and products based on it for medical, veterinary, parapharmaceutical, and hygienic purposes.

26 december 2018, 17:17
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An innovation SME from Novosibirsk developed and launched a production of high-performance substance of nano-silver. The high efficacy of the substance is defined by much smaller particle size compared to analogs. Basing on this substance, the company manufactures a range of silver-containing products for medical, veterinary, parapharmaceutical and hygienic purposes. The company seeks partners for joint improvement, certification, registration, and manufacture of silver-containing products.
Silver-containing drugs display a wide range of complex antimicrobial and antiviral activity, produce an anti-inflammatory effect, and stimulate both local and general immunity. Application of silver-containing drugs as prophylactic and medical remedy is effective against mixed infections, infections with unknown etiology, as well as anew emerging infections, including such diseases as SARS, avian and swine flu. Currently, the existing analogs - classic drugs of colloidal silver such as collargol, protargol – are still applied in medicine. However, these drugs are already technologically obsolete, and significantly inferior in efficacy, safety, harmlessness and cost to the proposed substance. The main drawback of collargol and protargol is aggregative instability and easy decomposability of their aqueous solutions, the expiry date of which is 2 - 3 months. Such instability does not allow to manufacture collargol- and protargol-based drugs in ready-to-use pharmaceutical dosage forms; they are produced in the form of a powder substance, from which the prescription departments of hospitals and pharmacies prepare aqueous solutions for direct application. At present, implementation of this technology is marginally profitable, as compared to the use of ready-made forms. It hampers their application and limits the range of use. The proposed substance of clustered silver allows to produce drugs in the form of ready-to-use dosage bands, with the life time of 1.5 - 2 years and more. This increases availability of the product and expands the sale markets of silver-containing products. The proposed high-performance substance of nano-silver can be used in manufacture of new high-performance silver-containing products, including: - a drug for prevention and treatment of intestinal infections of bacterial, viral and mixed etiology. Pharmaceutical dosage forms - solution, powder or pills. - a drug for prevention and treatment of respiratory infections and ENT-diseases of different etiology, including rhinopharyngitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, pharyngitis granulosa, chronic tonsillitis, ear infections, viral respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, flu. Pharmaceutical dosage forms - spray, nasal drops, resorbable pill. - a drug for treatment of infected and chronic wounds. Pharmaceutical dosage forms – gel, or a bandage.

Innovative aspects

Инновационные аспекты технологии приготовления новых серебросодержащих препаратов состоят в использовании высокоэффективной субстанции наносеребра, обладающей комплексной антибактериальной, противовирусной, фунгицидной активностью и оказывающей противовоспалительное действие. Благодаря этому достигаются следующие преимущества: - Препараты обладают более высокой эффективностью (за счет использования наночастиц серебра меньшего размера). - Препараты можно выпускать в виде различных готовых к применению лекарственных форм, а также профилактических средств. - Препараты не оказывает раздражающего действия на слизистую. - Препараты малотоксичные и не оказывают побочных действий. - Препараты дешевле используемых аналогов (в несколько раз). - Использование препаратов позволяет сократить длительность выздоровления. Субстанция наносеребра и препараты на ее основе прошли широкую клиническую апробацию в различных областях: хирургии, травматологии, комбустологии, дерматологии, офтальмологии, стоматологии, гастроэнтерологии, оториноларингологии, ветеринарии.