
Neutron, electron and mixed radiation therapy in combined and complex treatment of radioresistant malignant tumors

07 january 2019, 12:07
Промежуточный НИОКР, дополнительные исследования
Institute Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences proposes a new modes of radiation therapy with 6.3 MeV fast neutrons for radioresistant malignant tumors of salivary and thyroid glands, locally-advanced primary breast cancer and breast cancer local recurrences have been developed and clinically investigated. The novel approach to combined modality treatment including intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) and distant gamma therapy (DGT) for malignant tumors of breast, head and neck, loco-motor system, and gynecological tumors is proposed.
Preoperative radiation therapy with fast neutrons for locally advanced breast cancer consists of 3 sessions with a 48-72 hour interval for 8-12 days, single radiation dose 2.4 Gy up to a total tumor dose 7.2 Gy (38-40 Gy photon therapy). Three to five sessions of neutron therapy at a total dose of 6.6 ± 1.5 Gy are given for the treatment of local recurrences. Two regimens of neutron therapy and mixed radiation therapy for malignant tumors of salivary and thyroid glands are suggested. Combination of IORT and DGT is given in 2 regimens: 1) IORT is followed by DGT; 2) preoperative DGT is followed by surgery with IORT. Regimens of neutron, intraoperative and mixed radiation therapy have been created on the base of radiobiological and mathematical models. The modified mathematical model TDF (time-dose-fractionation) is used.

Innovative aspects

Нейтронная терапия онкологических больных осуществляется на циклотроне У-120. Разработаны математические модели, учитывающие пространственное распределение дозы нейтронов и ОБЭ быстрых нейтронов. Для расчета пространственного распределения дозы при нейтронной, электронной и гамма- терапии используется компьютерная программа.