
Manufacturing technology of lignocellulosic environmentally friendly material made of coniferous forest residues without adding costly toxic binder resins.

21 november 2018, 04:20
Макет, опытный образец
An entrepreneur from Novosibirsk developed a production technology for a new lignocellulosic material. The peculiar features of this material include the eco-friendly production technology, absence of expensive additives of toxic binder resins found in counterparts, which considerably reduces the net cost of the product. The given material is suitable for production of wall panels, furniture boards, and floor pavement. The author is looking for partners for the organization of joint venture.
At the present moment, traditional medium density fiberboards (MDF), obtained by means of hot pressing of raw materials, are often used for the manufacturing of furniture boards, floor pavement, and wall panels. The industrial wood residue serves as the raw material for production of MDF. Both MDF (medium density fiberboard) and HDF (high density fiberboard) are made of forest residues contain binder resins, which share in the net cost of the final product can amount to 50%. The proposed production technology of lignocellulosic material allows for obtainment of the material similar to such materials as MDF and wood chipboard in terms of the consumption function, but with more attractive consumer qualities and lower net cost due to the absence of pricey additives of toxic binder resins and low temperature of thermo-pressing. The material is produced from coniferous forest residues (branches of coniferous trees, apexes). The technology is suitable for wall paneling, furniture boards and facades, interior elements, floor pavement, secondary partition walls, etc., and, it is possible to produce bent and section-shaped products due to thermal plasticity of the material. The material and products made from it have the unique capability to produce the aroma of pine trees for a very long time (throughout the years), eradiating phytoncids, flavonoids and other volatile compounds, and causing positive impact on people and environment.

Innovative aspects

Для изготовления предлагаемого материала используется то же оборудование, что и для производства известных видов ДВП, что упрощает внедрение в производство. Технологические параметры данного производства более экономичны, например, температура прессования составляет меньше 100С (для МДФ, ДСП и др. 160-180С). Измельчение сырья не требует энергоемкой предварительной пропарки и рафинирования в водной среде, после чего требуются дополнительные затраты энергии на сушку. За счет отсутствия связующих смол, а также технологических особенностей производства, сравнительная себестоимость материала намного ниже, чем у традиционных аналогов. Технические характеристики материала не уступают известным видам древесноволокнистых плит, таким как MDF (древесноволокнистая плита средней плотности), HDF (древесноволокнистая плита высокой плотности) и др., а по износостойкости и долговечности превосходят их.