
Hypoallergic high-performance biodegradable implants based on collagen-chitosan biopolymers

03 january 2019, 04:38
Промышленный образец
A university from Krasnoyarsk has developed hypoallergic high-performance nontoxic biocompatible and biodegradable implants based on collagen-chitosan biopolymers. The implants are designed for restoration of atrophied and degenerative inflammatory tissues of periodontitis, eyes and skin and for treatment of female genital tracts dysbiosis. The implants improve blood supply up to 70 times and reconstruct completely micro-vessels. The university is interested in joint venture agreements, license agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.
The offered implants are based on collagen-chitosan, chitosan and chitosan-alginate combinations that include highly purified and deacetylated (more than 94%) chitosan with molecular weight ranging from 100 to 700 kDa. The products are microporous cream-white sublimate sponge or porous substance with the sizes varying from 50 x 50 x 4 mm to 180 x 240 x 4 mm. The following kinds of implants have been developed. • The implant “Kollahit-Bol” is designed for complete local restoration of smoldering granulating noninfected paradontium tissues; treatment of mucus membranes hypotrophy, degeneration and dysplasia; skin reconstruction after second and third degree burns; treatment of trophic ulcers and bed sores. The implant may be used for cultivation and transplantation of any cells including embryonic ones. • The implant “Bol-Hit” is designed for prevention and treatment of progressive myopia, diabetic and atherosclerotic chorioretinopathy, optic atrophy and open-angle glaucoma. • The implants “Bol-Hital” and “HAG-Bol” are designed for reconstruction of periodontitis and diabetic periodontitis bone tissues. • The implants “HMD-Bol” and “H-Bol” are designed for treatment of inflammatory and dysbiotic female genital organs diseases and application as a filling material of female sanitary towels and tampons as antibacterial filler.

Innovative aspects

В состав разработанных имплантатов входят полисахаридные биодеградируемые и биосовместимые полимеры природного происхождения на основе коллагена и хитозана высокой степени очистки и дезацетилирования, части сульфатированных и несульфатированных гликозаминогликанов, а также низкомолекулярные ростовые факторы.