The offered implants are based on collagen-chitosan, chitosan and chitosan-alginate combinations that include highly purified and deacetylated (more than 94%) chitosan with molecular weight ranging from 100 to 700 kDa. The products are microporous cream-white sublimate sponge or porous substance with the sizes varying from 50 x 50 x 4 mm to 180 x 240 x 4 mm. The following kinds of implants have been developed.
• The implant “Kollahit-Bol” is designed for complete local restoration of smoldering granulating noninfected paradontium tissues; treatment of mucus membranes hypotrophy, degeneration and dysplasia; skin reconstruction after second and third degree burns; treatment of trophic ulcers and bed sores. The implant may be used for cultivation and transplantation of any cells including embryonic ones.
• The implant “Bol-Hit” is designed for prevention and treatment of progressive myopia, diabetic and atherosclerotic chorioretinopathy, optic atrophy and open-angle glaucoma.
• The implants “Bol-Hital” and “HAG-Bol” are designed for reconstruction of periodontitis and diabetic periodontitis bone tissues.
• The implants “HMD-Bol” and “H-Bol” are designed for treatment of inflammatory and dysbiotic female genital organs diseases and application as a filling material of female sanitary towels and tampons as antibacterial filler.