
Highly effective natural probiotic bioproducts, free of colors and preservatives, for prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

03 september 2019, 16:44
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A company from Koltsovo (Novosibirsk region, Russia) developed fermented dairy products with probiotics (bifidobacteria and lactobacteria) for prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The company applies special technologies of probiotic strain selection and immobilization to protect probiotics from destruction in the stomach. The products’ effectiveness is proved by clinical trials.
The company looks for business partners and distributors, or a joint venture agreement.


A company from Koltsovo (Novosibirsk region, Russia) developed fermented dairy products with probiotics (bifidobacteria and lactobacteria) for prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The company applies special technologies of probiotic strain selection and immobilization to protect probiotics from destruction in the stomach. The products’ effectiveness is proved by clinical trials. The company looks for business partners and distributors, or a joint venture agreement.

Development and production of multicomponent probiotics and synbiotics includes the following basic steps:

  1. Development of the microbial substance from various types of probiotic bacteria. The problem here is to ensure compatibility, so that one bacteria type does not displace the others.  Multiple consortia cultivations are required with constant culling by such parameters as titer, preservation, activity. 
  2. Selection and introduction of prebiotic components into the preparation, e.g. lactulose (for stimulating the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacteria), vitamin C (it takes part in the oxidation-reduction processes), microcrystalline cellulose (for elimination of toxins and radionuclides).  Again, the component compatibility problem is to be solved. 
  3. Optimisation of technological processes: fermentation, lyophilic drying, mixing, encapsulation. 


The Russian company develops and manufactures multicomponent probiotics and synbiotics since 1995; the efficient solutions for the above-listed problems have been developed. As a result of strain research and selection, the company developed special microbiological compositions that make the basis of the company’s products (over 40 kinds of bioproducts). To increase the growth and activity of bifidobacteria, the company developed an optimal composition of nutrient media based on fat-free milk. To ensure probiotic viability, a special original technology of immobilization is applied.


The basis of most biotechnologies is the producer strain. The Russian company has > 80 probiotic producer strains that allows creation of multitude of effective biopreparations  


Clinical trials proved that the offered bioproducts improve digestion, treat intestinal dysbacteriosis, decrease the concentration of glucose in blood, and reduce allergic reactions.

The company was awarded Mechnikov Golden Medal of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for a contribution to improvement of public health.


Current and potential market applications are diets and nutrition for the following categories of people:

  • children, school and college students;
  • athletes;
  • military personnel;
  • hospital patients;
  • people working at hazardous and harmful productions (e.g. miners, night shifts workers …);
  • people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, vitamin and microelement deficiencies; 
  • people of mobile occupations (truck drivers, couriers, etc.); 
  • healthy lifestyle people.

The company products are sold in all Russian regions from Moscow to Far East and in some CIS countries; Romania is joining soon.

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Основные преимущества предложения

Economic advantages:

1) cost-effeciveness

2) consultation and promotion support, organization of seminars and round tables, taking part in thematic conferences, etc.

3) development of new preparations under the partner’s specification

Инновационные аспекты

Innovations of the offer

1) A special immobilization technology for prolongation of probiotic activity and their protection from destruction in the acidic environment of the stomach.

2) An original composition of efficient producer strains in proportions most beneficial for the human body.

3) A systemic approach to manufacture of the bioproducts and balanced product formulas giving the optimal proportions of essential microelements.
