
Non-chemical and environmentally safe technology of conservation of maral antlers as a raw material for production of medications.

08 november 2018, 02:10
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A company from the Republic of Altai (Russia) has developed a technology of conservation of maral antlers. The technology is based on a special way of boiling the antlers, which allows preservation of vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients. Processed antlers can be used for production of medications aimed at improving the human immunity. The company is interested in partners for developing medications using the technology proposed. Partners for joint-participation in ERA.NET, FASIE (Russia) – OSEO (France) initiative are also welcome.
Altai Maral (Cervus canadensis sibiricus) is a type of a red deer found only in Russia. Maral antlers, or young non-ossified horns filled with blood, since ancient times till present have been widely used in medicine for improving vitality and men’s sexual functions, increasing the overall resistance of a human to various diseases caused by infections, unbalanced diet, poor working conditions, stress or environmental impacts. The antlers are cut in late spring - early summer (by winter they grow again). Unique medicinal properties of antlers are explained by extremely high concentration of various microelements, namely, amino acids, vitamins, hormones and growth factors, produced by a deer organism in the period of intense formation of bone tissue. The medications based on deer antlers are aimed at awakening of internal resources of an organism, restoring of physiological functions, and recovery of immune status. Quality and efficiency of medications made from the antlers depend largely on how well was organized the primary, i.e. immediate after cutting, conservation of antlers. Traditionally, an air drying with intermediate scalding are used to prevent microbial and parasitic contamination. The company has developed such a technology of intermediate scalding of maral antlers, which allows complying with all the technical parameters of the process in order to maximize the nutrient richness of the cut antlers. The company is interested in finding partners for joint development, further testing and possible production of innovative medications based on the maral antlers, processed and conserved by the technology developed. The company is also looking for partners for joint-participation in competitions like ERA.NET, FASIE (Russia) - OSEO (France) etc. The following variants of innovative products could be offered for joint development: slices of antlers for the functional (healthy) food, aimed at improving immunity, compositions for bath, aimed at prevention and treatment of immunodeficiency disorders, including inflammatory diseases of various origins, etc.

Innovative aspects

1) Для консервирования применяются панты абсолютно здоровых животных, выращенных в экологически чистых условиях Горного Алтая (естественная среда обитания, кормовая база целебных горных трав, чистая вода горных ручьев и пр.). 2) Инновации и преимущества технологии заключаются в соблюдении особого температурного режима, способа и цикла варки, применении специального оборудования, чистой природной алтайской воды, что в совокупности и обеспечивает максимальное сохранение всех полезных веществ пантов.