
Automated hydroponic complex for agriculture

23 november 2018, 22:28
Промышленный образец
A Russian company from Novosibirsk has developed an automated hydroponic complex for agriculture. The complex can be used for energy efficiency solutions at farms and for autonomy of energy power with renewables. The company is looking for partner for technical cooperation and commercial agreement
A Russian company has developed an automated system for use on farms of various size. It ensures the functioning of vegetable complexes of protected ground with minimum human involvement until harvest period. The developed device is a complex system of automation of the process of vegetation crops, nearly eliminates human intervention. The uniqueness lies in the versatility of the proposed technology for controlling a wide variety of processes. This hardware-software complex is based on the 1-Wire technology, it allows solving different issues, including in agriculture, namely: automating greenhouses (mostly small) and production of green fodder during the stabling of cattle. Technical features of the device: full monitoring system for temperature; humidity; component composition of the liquid mixtures (hydroponic nutrient solution or others); voltage and current. Management of executive devices: irrigation; microclimate in the greenhouse and other areas; adjustments to the composition of the solution, depending on the phase of plant growth. The system is represented by software and hardware systems, works with any type of digital and analog sensors. Processing data from each sensor is made to its management software module actuators. For example, the management of multiple heating valves occurs by measuring the temperature in each zone. The system can be most effective in the management of marginal sources of thermal energy, such as solar collectors. The system allows you to programmatically control switching coolant flow. The company was established in 2012, it is engaged in the improvement of devices and laboratory testing of the system. The company is ready for serial production of the device, training of personnel to carry out installation and commissioning to the final consumer.

Main advantages

The proposed system can be easily adapted for such tasks, as well as a for specific needs. The system is easy to install, configure and use. In addition, the system can be easily installed and operated with limited energy resources. It's enough to use solar cells with power starting with 5VA. Using a more powerful alternative energy sources allows creating a completely self-contained hydroponic energy complex. Operation of such a complex requires minimal human intervention.

Innovative aspects

В отличие от имеющихся систем автоматизации гидропонной вегетации, предлагаемая система легко настраивается на новые параметры, модульно масштабируется с новыми датчиками и исполнительными устройствами, что дает хозяйству существенные конкурентные преимущества при планировании севооборота тепличных посевных площадей и конъюнктурному изменению производимого ассортимента. Универсальность гидропонных технологий позволяет использовать их не только для производства плодоовощной продукции. Данная технология широко используется также в животноводстве для получения зеленых кормов в стойловом периоде содержания, а также получения витаминных добавок.